Wheat Sprout Juice

The wheat grass juice is famous as a natural therapy very effective against cancer. Drink wheat grass juice helps your body make more red blood cells which carry oxygen to every cell. With the increase in oxygenation in the body, you can balance the smog and carbon monoxide and increase your stamina during exercise.
Wheat grass is a living food full of vitamins and enzymes and probably the freshest food you will have throughout the day, especially in the winter.
One ounce of wheatgrass juice can compare in vitamins, minerals and amino acids to be in that 2 ½ pounds of green leafy vegetables. Wheat grass is one of the richest sources of vitamin A, B Complex, B-17, C, E and K. It is also one of the best sources of calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, cobalt, zinc, sulfur and 17 other forms of amino acids and enzymes.
Chlorophyll is the base of the plant life, and is more than 70% of solid content of wheat grass juice. Chlorophyll molecules are very similar to the red blood cells and build up the blood flow, which counteracts anemia, reduces the risk of cancer and also cleanses the body.
Wheat grass (valued by health-conscious individuals) is considered to be a wonderful source of nutrients. Chlorophyll has been shown to be able to create an atmosphere for the development of undesirable bacteria in the body and as a result, increases the body's battle against disease. Due to its fibrous nature, it is not impossible to swallow humans, can be ingested only a liquid form.
Wheat grass is known for his ability to undo scars formed in the lungs and wash drug deposits in the body, purifies the body and balanced acids and toxins in the body. Helps increase the level of enzymes in our cells, helping to improve the metabolism of nutrients in the body, these enzymes help to dissolve tumors.
The body uses these amino acids for things like building muscle tissue, repairing cells, and clean the blood clots. Wheat grass contains 92 of the 102 minerals discovered in the earth. These minerals include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and potassium. Wheatgrass has more vitamin C than oranges and twice the vitamin A than carrots.
Wheat grass is now recognized as an excellent dietary supplement. It is a concentrated source of vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll and enzymes.
An excellent way to increase the amount of dark green leafy vegetables in the diet is to drink wheatgrass juice cool (at this early stage in the life of the plant, it is considered a vegetable rather than a grain, and is safe for those who are sensitive to gluten).
Fifteen pounds of wheatgrass is equivalent to 350 pounds of any vegetable. Processing through the extractor allows release of nutrients in vegetables and fruits, concentrating them and making them more bioavailable to the body's cells.
The energy obtained from wheatgrass juice is remarkable. On an empty stomach, is absorbed in the blood in about 20 minutes. The energy will last all day. This juice contains the most vitamins and minerals needed for human maintenance. It is also a complete protein with about 30 enzymes. The only real difference is that the internal factor in chlorophyll is magnesium and iron into hemoglobin. Chlorophyll has the ability to break the toxic carbon dioxide and releases oxygen. This reduces and inhibits the action of anaerobic bacteria (a disease causing micro organisms). Wheat grass has been known for its ability to quickly rebuild red blood cells after ingestion. It normalizes blood pressure and stimulates growth of tissues.
When an imbalance or injury (pain in the tendons or joints, degenerative diseases, to name a few), there is a natural increase of mucous in the lymph particular area. Mucus build up, helping to ensure the proper flow of lymphatic fluid. Wheat grass helps break down mucus and drain. This helps relieve pressure and allow healing.
The wheat grass juice is high in many enzymes, which helps to dissolve tumors. It is the best and safest way to dispose of domestic waste and provide the best possible nutritional atmosphere. Wheat grass can also be used as a compress or wash, creating healthy new cells and fight infections.
The wheat grass juice is extracted directly from the wheat grass fresh and organically grown. It is a powerful natural healer because it creates an unfavorable climate for the growth of bacteria. The main component of wheat germ is the chlorophyll, contains more than one hundred (100) including all mineral elements known to man, vitamins A, B, C, D and E. In one ounce of wheat you can get enough vital energy to restore your body of any disease, promoting youth and healthy living.
The wheat grass juice contains 103 elements known to man among them are 13 essential Vitamins and Minerals: Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Provitamin A, Vitamin K, Vitamin B-6, Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium, Iron (Iron), Sodium, Zinc, Selenium. 8 Essential Amino Acids: Lysine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Triptophane, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Valine, Methionine. Other amino acids ...Alanine, Arginine, Glutamic Acid, Aspartic Acid, Glycine, Histidine, Tyrosine, Prolinz. 8 Enzymes: cytochrome Oxidase, Lipase, Protease, Amylase, Catalase, Peroxidase, transhydrogenase, Superoxide Dismutase etc.
The fresh juice of young wheat grass is a rich source of natural vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, enzymes and vital energy. Wheat grass helps to: Provide more energy, strengthens the immune system, prolong life, protects against environmental pollution, purifies the blood, stimulates circulation DNA regenerates, protects against free radicals, provides nutrients and rejuvenates, deodorizes and cleanses the body releasing toxins.
Wheat grass is used to aid in health problems associated with: The lungs, liver and colon problems, high blood pressure, cancer, digestion, arthritis, Alzheimers, depression, migraine, candida, ulcers, chronic fatigue, heart disease, ear pain, allergies, diarrhea, thyroid, throat problems, sinusitis, obesity, skin problems, maintains the natural color hair, removes and neutralizes the toxins from the body, tones the body, etc..
Enumerating the benefits are:
- Detoxify the body, purifies the blood and increases hemoglobin.
- Rich in iron, improves circulation and helps lower blood pressure.
- Great source of vitamins A, B and C. Excellent source of Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Sulphur, Cobalt and Zinc.
- Helps cleanse and improve skin problems.
- It helps fight infections of the vagina, also helps relieve pain and injury.
- It promotes good digestion and assimilation of food.
- Excellent oral cleanser, removes toxins from the gums and teeth.
- Removes drug deposits from the body.
- It purifies the liver and pancreas.
- Detoxify the colon.
- Lowers blood pressure.
- Acts against the body's metabolic toxins.
- Is the most effective therapy of chlorophyll.
- High protein concentration. According to studies have found that the composition of protein in the juice of wheat is 47%. Dry wheat grass contains three times the concentration of proteins found in meat.
- Prevents graying and hair loss. The juice of wheat can be applied directly to the head.
- Helps fight sore throats and teeth.
- Treatment for nasal congestion (place several drops in each nostril).
- It's great for the sex hormones, improving sexual function.
- Stimulant for circulation (add a few ounces to bath water and rub on the skin).
- Taking wheat grass juice regularly promotes the physical, mental and spiritual.
- Blocks the process by which the nitrites used as preservatives in foods, form tumors.
- The molecular structure of wheat grass is very similar to that of the red blood cells, which increases the ability of blood to carry oxygen to every cell in the body.
Wheat grass recipe
One of these preparations is to germinate seeds of wheat, wheat seed put in clean water for 24 hours, then puts on prepared soil and covered with a damp cloth, then water a few times a day to prevent drying, when the buds are 1 cm to 2 cm exposed to light is accomplished in 10 days growth of 10 cm to 15 cm.
As natural medicine take a handful of the ground whole wheat and grind in a mortar, not in blender, then proceed to squeeze the product with good clean gauze in order to extract their chlorophyll thus, no waste, and so power after taking it. It is advisable to book at dawn because at the time the plant is full of vitality very suitable to provide the best extract of chlorophyll nature can offer.
Start with just one ounce of wheatgrass daily. A therapeutic program may include two or three ounces, take part preferably in the morning before breakfast, other times do it before each meal. It is important to the chlorophylls not going after 20 minutes of being extracted their juices.
Wheat germ is very useful to cure cancer and other diseases, people who are not sick can also take it as a precaution, many people underestimate the power of nature, if you drink this extract will not regret it because it is an extract that will fill you with energy and all the ailments or diseases have to be born in you just cure it actually is better than any food supplement in the pharmacy. It is therefore advisable to take as a precaution, better safe than sorry before, and if you are sick then help you heal, that simple.