Anthocyanins from Purple Corn

Purple Corn (Zea mays) is a variety of corn, one of the valleys of the Peruvian Andes which are commonly grown to 3,000 m. There are different varieties of purple corn, all originated from the species "Kculli" that is still growing in the Peruvian Andes.
It has an intense dark purple and mysteriously if planted in a different country to Peru does not leave the same color purple, sometimes even up could go yellow. Specialists consider diverse hypotheses undiscovered factors in climate, land or water.
Purple Corn has been used since pre-Inca times and is found in different ceramic objects of culture "Mochica" dating back over 2,500 years. In Peru the very popular "chicha" and "purple pudding" made with the maize and are recognized as highly nutritious.
Purple Corn is a great antioxidant because of its high content of anthocyanins (cianin C3G-3-glucose as its main color) and phenolic compounds. It also has functional properties and bioactive. In medical school at the University of Nagoya (Japan) has been shown by a study that Purple Corn pigment prevents the development of colon cancer.
Studies and Findings
Scientific studies have been conducted in Japan (Kyoto Doshisha) and publications in journals such as Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, which show that phytochemicals from purple corn have effects on obesity and diabetes. The study took two groups which were given a diet rich in fat, one of them also was given the purple pigment of corn. The group consuming the pigment did not gain weight, did not present hipertropfia of adipocyte (fat cell growth), showed no hyperglycemia (elevated blood glucose) and hyperinsulinemia (high blood insulin, typical tables or hyperleptinemia prediabetic (high levels of leptin, which serves as a marker for diabetes). Apparently the purple corn extract increases the activity of a gene that regulates the function of fat cells.
At the University of Nagoya, Japan, a group of researchers from the Faculty of Medicine, led by Professor Tomoyuki Shirai (See his picture at left), has been established that purple corn pigment reduces the rate of colon cancer.
Information on Nagoya outcomes reported in the Japanese newspaper Mainichi Shimbun. In laboratory tests, 5% purple corn pigment mixed with a carcinogenic substance naturally found in the burned roast meat and proceeded to fish fed to 20 rats.
The result was that out of 20 rats was given the carcinogen, 17 (85%) developed colon cancer. Only 8 rats (40%) who had the purple corn pigment developed colon cancer.
According to the Agency for Research on Cancer in Japan, the ability of carcinogens contained in the burned areas of food would be enough to cause cancer in people.
San-Ei Gen, Osaka company, manufacturer of food additives that have participated in the investigation said that in Japan and other developed countries bowel cancers are increasing. From there who want to continue studies of the pigment from purple corn and its use in medical foods.
Scientists have shown that many of the pigments that give color to fruits and vegetables contain many compounds that appear to combat degenerative diseases of the human body and in turn, provide beneficial effects to health and wellness. This is the case of anthocyanin Purple corn that has a high proportion.
The investigations established that the compounds of purple corn are neither vitamins nor minerals and have called phytonutrients, chemicals found in plants, responsible for giving them color, flavor, protect from ultraviolet rays, helping to combat bacterial infections, viral or fungal elements and enable them to overcome the pressures of their environment (insect predators, drought, etc..).
As a preventive measure is recommended to eat foods rich in fiber, low in animal protein, fats and processed carbohydrates. It is also advised to consume calcium, vitamin D and vegetables such as cabbage, Brussels sprouts and broccoli to reduce the risks.
This list could include the purple corn, the properties of regulation of high blood pressure is recognized by our natural pharmacopoeia.
Purple Corn Properties
The corn in all its varieties is the group of cereals and contribute significant amounts of about 80% starch (complex carbohydrate), 10% sugars that provide sweetness, up to 11% protein, up to 2% minerals and vitamins B and ascorbic acid, concentrated in the endosperm (grain free of the sheath). Besides the nutritional value, purple corn has a rich composition of phytochemicals, especially anthocyanins and phenolic compounds, which have beneficial effects on our body.
Its high content of anthocyanin, purple-blue pigment is a powerful natural antioxidant, which prevents the degeneration of some cells, therefore helps prevent the dreaded cancer. Anthocyanins are flavonoids that give the natural pigmentation blue, purple and red foods. The concentrations of flavonoids in purple corn are among the highest even more than blueberries (blueberries, representative food source phytochemicals). Those present in purple corn are natural anti-inflammatory and participate in the regeneration of connective tissue and collagen formation (required for skin), have a high antioxidant that slows the aging process, stabilize and protect veins and arteries of the action of free radicals, promote good blood circulation, reduces cholesterol levels, reduce risk of heart attack and are excellent preventive against cancer.
The pharmaceutical use of Anthocyanins in Ophthalmology is also recognized for their properties to increase visual acuity and improve night vision.
Purple corn contains phytonutrients, which have no nutritional value, but which protect the body from the impact of the environment, strengthen the body's immunity and protect against carcinogens.
Eating this corn also protects other degenerative diseases as atherosclerosis, diabetes and arthritis. It is also indicated to reduce blood pressure and blood cholesterol.
Detoxifies the body from environmental pollution agents, carcinogens disabled, strengthen the immune system and protect the body from the development of chronic degenerative diseases such as cataracts, arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes, aging, atherosclerosis and heart disease, among other ills modern civilization.
Purple Corn Consumption
Purple corn is a staple food preparations usually massive as our refreshing drink chicha, purple and even porridge cooked grain. The benefits of purple corn consumed daily get any of these preparations of food:
Purple Corn pudding
- 1/2 kilo of purple corn
- 8 cloves
- 2 cinnamon sticks
- 1 pineapple
- 1/4 kilo of plums
- 100 grams of cherries
- 100 grams of ossicles
- 1/2 kilo of sugar
- 1 cup sweet potato flour
- 1 lemon
- 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
Cook corn in three liters of water with cloves, cinnamon and pineapple peel until the grains burst. Strain and return to the fire adding dried fruits washed and soaked before. When everything is cooked add the diced pineapple and sugar. Dissolve the flour in cold water and pour slowly until thickened. Add lemon juice. Serve sprinkled with ground cinnamon.
Chicha de Maiz Morado
- 500 grams of purple corn
- 4 liters of water
- 4 dried sour cherries
- 2 lemons
- 1 apple
- 1 whole quince
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 1 cup pineapple shells
- 1/2 cup sugar, preferably blonde
- 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
The first thing is to boil the corn in the three liters of water, add cinnamon, cloves, cherries and pineapple shells. When corn begins to burst or opened, strain the prepared and added sugar. And cold, add chunks of apple and quince along with the juice of lemons.
Recommendations Against Cancer
The Purple corn makes an excellent alternative to prevent cancer by anthocyanin. Get your own purple corn in food markets in developed countries can be a very difficult task be poor, this is only because Peru has the advantage of producing it. In developed countries can get the purple corn perhaps its derivatives, such as beverages, the latter is not recommended due to the possible use of artificial dyes were developed. It is fitting at least get himself in purple corn stalks, this ensures that feed on a food product 100% natural.
The best practice for patients with cancer is taking it in the form of beer or soda, to prepare in this way not sweeten with sugar and much less with an artificial sweetener, you should be sweetened with pure honey. Also a good idea to prepare together with the leaves of soursop (if you can get it) and also add to taste the juice of wheat sprouts.
There are multiple ways to combine foods in cancer patients, the ideas are in yourself.