Ellagic acid from Pomegranate

One study noted the power to prevent cancer with the grenade. Specifically, ellagitannins appear to be responsible for the anti-proliferative effect of the fruit, thus helping to prevent breast cancer.
Pomegranates ellagic acid inhibits aromatase, an enzyme that converts androgens to estrogens. Thus, aromatase plays a key role in breast carcinogenesis, therefore, it inhibits growth of breast cancer.
It also has anti-inflammatory properties, in addition has higher levels of antioxidants than red wine and green tea. The amount of antioxidant is generally attributed to the content of polyphenols. It helps fight prostate cancer, lung cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer's.
According to the American Urological Association, the grenade to have numerous antioxidants and vegetables may help men with prostate cancer.
Knowing the Granada
The pomegranate is an infructescence, fruit of a tree called pomegranate reaching up to four meters high, the family of Punicáceas; small family of trees and shrubs, whose fruits have seeds and coarse prismatic.
The fruit has a thick skin of scarlet or crimson golden on the outside and a large number of internal seeds surrounded by juicy pulp ruby. In the East is considered a symbol of love and fertility.
Nutritional properties of pomegranate
It is a fruit of very low caloric value due to their low carbohydrate content. The major component is water and in regard to other nutrients, only highlights its mineral content of potassium. This mineral is necessary for the generation and transmission of nerve impulses and for normal muscle activity, is involved in water balance inside and outside the cell. Other noteworthy components include citric acid (disinfectant action, alkaline urine and potentiates the action of vitamin C), malic acid, flavonoids (antioxidant pigments) and tannins. These are substances with astringent and antiinflammatory. Some of the actions of tannins are drying and inflammation of the intestinal mucosa (layer that lines the inside of the digestive tract), making them effective in the treatment of diarrhea. The tannins are recognized quickly by producing rough feel on the palate.
Composition per 100 g edible portion (mcg = micrograms):
- Calories 31.8
- Carbohydrates (g) 7.5
- Fiber (g) 0.2
- Vitamin C (mg) 5.7
- Provitamin A (mcg) 3.5
- Potassium (mg) 275
- Magnesium (mg) 3
- Calcium (mg) 8
Healing properties of Pomegranate
Already explained in introduction grenade properties in relation to cancer, now expand the extensive benefits of the pomegranate in good health.
Due to its low in calories and carbohydrates, its consumption can see what those who follow a diet and people with diabetes.
The tannins that give this fruit contains the astringent and anti-inflammatory property in the mucosa of the digestive tract. The crust (malicorium) and the internal partitions of the fruit are the parts most amount of tannin present. Thus, consumption of pomegranate is indicated in cases of infectious diarrhea, intestinal cramps, flatulence (excess gas) and delicate stomach. The rind of the fruit and the blades or internal partitions separating each grain alkaloids possess vermifuge properties, so they are very effective to expel tapeworms and roundworms. The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory qualities that are attributed to this fruit, also based on their content of acids such as citric and malic acid, responsible for its pleasant taste acidic. Citric acid favors the elimination of uric acid and its salts through the urine, so that consumption of pomegranate is very suitable in case of hyperuricemia or gout and kidney stones from uric acid salts.
Pomegranate also contains flavonoids, plant pigments responsible for the reddish color of its grains, antioxidant and antiseptic. These components have the ability to scavenge free radicals harmful to the body, so that consumption of pomegranate helps reduce the risk of degenerative diseases, cardiovascular and cancer.
Also, because of its high potassium content and low in sodium, are highly recommended for those suffering high blood pressure or blood vessel disease and heart. However, their use must take account of people with kidney failure and require special diets controlled in this mineral. However, those taking diuretics remove potassium and people with bulimia, because the self-induced vomiting episodes that cause huge losses of this mineral, they should pomegranate consumption.
Pomegranate juice can help reverse heart disease. When accumulations of plaque in the arteries, the arteries harden (atherosclerosis). By decreasing the arterial blood flow area decreases. This increases the risk of having a stroke. In studies of pomegranate juice reduced the hardening of the arteries arising from high levels of cholesterol.
Other studies have shown how pomegranate juice can help prevent and treat prostate cancer and osteoarthritis. Surely researchers soon discover many more reasons to enjoy this fruit.
Consumption of the Granada Cancer
There are two easy ways to desgrananar grenades in no time.
An easy way to extract the seeds from the pomegranate is the fruit in half, take half shell, squeeze a few times to loosen the grains, and on a platter or dish, cut side down, it hits skin with the handle of a large knife (or similar) while he goes round with his hand.
- Remove the calyx end by a square with 4 knife cuts, from each of the corners of the square, make a shallow cut, do not touch the grains or very little downward to the stem of the fruit, in the end opposite. A total of 4 cuts.
- On a bowl with water to separate into 4 wedges and shelling pomegranate fruit.
- Then remove all whitish skins floating in the water because they taste bitter.
- Finally removing water from the bowl through a sieve.
There are ways to extract the juice from the Greater, among them are:
Juicer: This part pomegranate in half and squeezed as if it were an orange. Do not press hard to keep the seed inside the fruit break. Once all the juice extracted from the seeds can pass through a sieve pressing with a spoon to thereby extract the maximum juice.
Blender: Passing the grain through a blender, of which liquefy while the waste shipped out.
Mixer: Moving grain by the blender or mixer at slow speed for a short time so as not to shred the seeds. Then strain.
First of all should know that the tiny seeds of the pomegranate should never go to the juice, if you decide Very expecialmente take several daily juice of this fruit can not eat anything and create the ingestion of these seeds some constipation. This juice should not do it at night for the next day, although refrigerate.
Cancer Tips
The Granada is becoming a necessary complement for some cancer patients, this fruit recently being reported worldwide for its healing properties for cancer, the patient may include in their diets pomegranate juice without fear to something. Maybe the grenade directly consume you can make it difficult and tiring to the patient, it is preferable to do all it can do it in juice form and that the patient take it to your liking. In fact the consumption of pomegranate there is no minimum or maximum dose, can be consumed like any other fruit, but it is advisable to treat the patient to ingest as much as possible. It may be that the patient is harassed by frequent consumption is normal, can decrease the amount of consumption for a week and then re-ingest it, drinking it in juice form as if it were a drink, never short of ideas on how to consume the best all depends on the reasoning and the will of the patient.