Purple sweet potato leaves

Its scientific name is Ipomoea batatas. Although, according to the different regions or countries its name may vary. Thus, while in Peru it is known by the nickname of sweetpotato in the Caribbean countries with the "sweet". "Cilera Abana" in Africa and "Sweet Potato" in Europe and Asia. Like his chameleon name, physical appearance takes various forms and nuances can be white, yellow or purple, etc..
The origin of this sweet root is located in America. If you want to be more accurate in their origin, Peru is the oldest place where they have found traces of consumption and domestication. Studies show that was cultivated for more than 10 thousand years in the region of Ayacucho.
Different cultures have adopted the potato as the predominant food in your diet. In Peru testify that the iconography allude to this food found in the Paracas culture sheets, drawings on the ceramics of the Moche civilization, as well as alluding to the sweet potato prints found in the caves of Huarochiri, located west of the Lima.
Properties of Sweet Potato
Sweet potato with all its natural biodiversity is an implacable enemy of hunger, a fierce advocate for health or a culture steeped in history, sweetpotato is primarily a root with great nutritional and medicinal potential, due to the large presence in it of vitamins , proteins and minerals.
The main vitamins that holds are the A, why the potato is greatly appreciated in the world, it is the species with more vitamin A. Reason also explains the fact that its consumption is widespread in most developing countries. To the extent that their consumption has been allowed to attack frontally childhood blindness that still affects more than 2.5 million children worldwide.
Another important feature of yams is the presence of vitamin C, an organic substance essential for growth and tissue repair, as for wound healing and maintenance of cartilage, bone and teeth. The presence of potassium is also important to highlight in this species.
Similarly, the Batata, as they call it in other places, contains a considerable amount of iron, starch, sodium and folic acid, among others. It is the presence of the latter that makes this species is recommended for women in gestation, if not to consume these pills folic acid supplementation.
Sweet Potato or Yam Orange Pulp is rich in vitamin A and C and potassium and iron: "Keys to reduce the risk to develop stomach cancer and liver disease."
The research also states that the Sweet Potato Pulp Residence slows aging, as it has antioxidant properties and high vitamin and protein value. Exceeding of potato (potato). Other studies show that the sweet potato helps reduce depression and counteracts overweight.
Purple sweet potato varieties
In the case of Peru, potatoes purple type has been the complete replacement of a native variety, the "egg yolk" for other improved, especially the "Trujillo improved", "Canchari" and "Maria Angola, known by producers as "purple legitimate" and "purple bambeado" respectively. Although most ancient varieties planted as "Italian lead", "Ramon Camacho" and "egg yolk" have virtually disappeared in the late 60's, several other prevalent even planted a lesser extent, as the "Japanese Tremesino" "Two in one" and "Mamala".
The properties of the pulp Cancer
A variety of sweet potato purple, with purple pigment also in the pulp, is presented as a super food with anticancer and anti-aging properties.
An expert from the University of Kansas, United States, developed the variety (unlike the common purple sweet potato, which has only the color purple on the outside) so that the purple pigment is also present in all the food and so multiply your anticancer properties.
The color contains anthocyanin, which reduces the risk of developing cancer, and may even counteract certain types of this disease.
The scientists used two kinds of anthocyanins (cyanidin and peonidin) to treat colon cancer and found that the purple pigment reduced the growth of cancer cells.
The anthocyanin present in red, blue or purple in different foods, including cherries, red grapes, red cabbage, but especially in this variety of sweet potato purple, which contains the substance in larger amounts.
The purple sweet potato is sweeter than the others and that is good not only to prevent cancer, but has other benefits for its antioxidant properties.
The properties of the sheets against Cancer
According to a research paper on the treatment of cervical cancer, the fresh leaves of purple sweet potato would be helpful to combat the disease in its early stages. One year was investigated the chemical constituents of potato leaves, determining the ethanol extract of these, scientifically known as Ipomoea batatas (L) Lam are helpful in the treatment of neoplasia.
Was investigated for a year the chemicals in the leaves of the tuber, determining the ethanol extract of these, scientifically known as Ipomoea batatas (L) Lam are helpful in the treatment of neoplasia.
In the Andes is used fresh leaf of purple sweet potato infusion therapy for cervical cancer.
Better ways to consume Cancer
The importance of purple sweet potato against cancer is the purplish pigment that has it in greater numbers than other fruits and medicinal plants, for that reason we are dealing exclusively with the purple sweet potato variety, not only in the purple sweet potato anthocyanin is , is also found in blueberries and red cabbage, nature created a great biodiversity of foods containing the same elements cancer healers containing the purple sweet potato, so it is important to eat different foods that nature provides to heal not only cancer but others.
The sweet potato when cooked lose many properties, many items are lost in cooking or frying (a cancer patient should not eat fried food, burnt areas of food and fats are especially bad), so it is recommended to extract the sweet potato pulp having purple (there sweetpotato varieties that have purple pigment in the pulp) and take it with some other juice, can be combined for example with the leaves of wheat germ, etc.. In this case the wild yam do not prepare too much, you only have half a glass every morning combined with any other juice.
If you have the facilities to get the purple sweet potato leaves, you can prepare an infusion, the patient and take it as drinking water, may also be accompanied with other herbal infusions, the latter respect it is advisable to buy herbs of medicinal plants in their natural state, avoid buying products that sell in retail natural, unless you are very sure to be good and to ensure good quality then you could buy those products, the latter perhaps by necessity have to do with the need for natural resources in highly industrialized cities that even the leaves of Aloe Vera is very difficult to find in its natural form, we understand that not all countries are equal, but if you are in a privileged place for its resources natural and easy to access it then take advantage of this great opportunity to cure the patient, depending much on the judgment and will of each person.