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Colon Hydrotherapy

The contributions of colon hydrotherapy is expressed in the words of Dr. Waddington when he said:

"Malfunctioning of the gut is the precursor of many diseases, especially chronic diseases. Restoration of physiological intestinal elimination is often the most important benefit before eventual restoration of health in general."

This technique is to circulate the water in the large intestine to clean, using a very sophisticated device. The colon hydrotherapy will help us improve the problems of indigestion, constipation and detoxification.

History of Colon Hydrotherapy

Since ancient colon cleansing was done via enemas or laxatives methods of various kinds which were on a clean historical data intestinal.Los first found in Egypt, where doctors, priests practiced enemas enemas or therapeutic purposes. Later, the Romans adopted this tradition, which remained until today. Colon hydrotherapy developed in the early twentieth century based on the importance of nutrition and eating habits in the development of certain diseases mentioning cancer.

The age of the enema is historically unknown, although his data appear in tables Mesopotamian and early books of Chinese and Indian medicine. Hippocrates is also presented as the great introducer in medicine and it seems that all cultures were based for use in humans in the hygiene habits of the bird Ibis. Hippocrates (IV and V centuries BC) recommended enemas for fever therapy, treatment forgotten today.

At that time, primitive man regarded the disease as divine punishment and healing as a purification. People became ill for having lost favor with the gods, and recovered, and with it health, through a kind of spiritual and physical drain. This notion is at the origin of our word "pharmacy" from the Greek pharmakon meaning "purification through the drain."

In the year 3500 BC in the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates, the Sumerians possessed practically our present methods of medication; resorted to gargle, inhalations, suppositories, enemas, poultices, decoctions, infusions, pills, lotions, ointments and plasters.

In the writings of the Dead Sea also alluded to the use of enemas; for practice using a hollow reed or hollowed pumpkin that facilitated the flow of water into the rectum.
In the Ebers Papyrus dating from 1500 B.C. referred to as colon washing practice of medicine, describing it as the infusion of liquid substances in the "large intestine" through the anus.

Galen (second century AD) was a strong advocate of the use of enemas.

Court, in 1600 A.D. developed the first distinction between colon irrigation and enema therapy, popular at that time.

In the late eighteenth century physicians and Johann Sigmund Hahn defended hydrotherapy applications, both preventive and therapeutic treatment of different diseases. The techniques used by doctors were bloodletting and enemas.

By early 1900, Dr. John H. Kellogg used the therapy of colon hygiene in over 40,000 patients, and later published in the Journal of the American Medical Association did not need to resort to surgery in gastrointestinal diseases of his patients, except in 20 cases because the hydrotherapy colon applied were successful.

The popularity of this hygiene technique reached its peak between 20 and 30 years, during which the colon hydrotherapy machines were common to see and use, regularly used in hospitals and medical practitioners of orthodox.

Importance of intestinal cleansing

The function disorders of the large intestine or colon are among the most common disorders of our time. One in three people in developed societies suffer from chronic constipation. Laxatives or prepared for intestinal regulation is one of the top selling drugs. The problem is that it starts with products gentle to stronger to which the body gets used to react to them leaving. Besides chemical laxatives irritate the lining of the intestine and, when used often end up producing a colitis or chronic irritation of the intestinal mucosa hard to cure.

The passage of food through the intestines causing symptoms lasts twice retention in the lower abdomen and pelvic area, due to the delay in passage through the gut. The cause is the lack of roughage or fibers, which ultimately lead to hemorrhoids and venous congestion. Following are some dietary recommendations can be cured more quickly than it already does not make us any fault.

Excess animal protein remains too long in the intestine and causes there putrefaction processes that lead to intestinal toxins, which alter the normal functioning of the mucosa.

Frequent consumption of raw foods high in roughage (cellulose) from fruit, vegetables and salads, it is absolutely essential. The raw food diet at the same time gives us vitamins, enzymes, minerals and trace elements. The pulp of fruits and vegetables, like bran, whole grains, acts as the sweeper of the intestine, stimulating its activity and accelerating the passage of stool through the bowel.

Vegetable juices of radishes, celery and onion exert a debugger and healing in the intestinal tract. to make them more effective is mixed with linseed oil.

Excess salt can be accompanied by magnesium and potassium deficiency which can lead to spasmodic state in the intestinal tract. favoring chronic constipation. We bring magnesium through grains and legumes, and we reduce the intake of refined salt.

Stress, poor diet, lack of exercise and the fast pace that we cause us digestive disorders that carry a lack of vitality, fatigue, constipation, anxiety-depressive states .... The colon hydrotherapy or enemas are treatments to help combat these disorders to maintain or achieve good health.

The large intestine or colon, has two very different functions: the removal of organic debris and water reabsorption and a part of the mineral salts. But also has a more special role: their folds are linked by nerves to all parts of the anatomy. The proper functioning of the body depends largely on the state of our colon. The modern diet low in plant fiber is a cause of disorders of the colon.

Colon hydrotherapy therapy is based is one that acts as a shower for 45 minutes ensuring the distribution of water with ozone in the colon, a specific pressure and with a special application cannula. With the warm water and massage specialist, we scan the entire colon, thereby removing the droppings blocked, waste and toxic waste embedded. Colon hydrotherapy is a patient-friendly practice, which is relaxed and detected from the first application, a sense of organic well-being and lightness.

The association of water and allow to get a massage detachment of feces on the walls of the large intestine and colon detox. The water at a comfortable temperature stimulates peristalsis or movement of the colon. The colonic irrigation tonicité improves the intestinal walls and re-establishes the natural rhythm of the colon.

When you are intoxicated, the toxins travel throughout the body and when they are not eliminated through the colon to "resend" the liver, kidneys, lungs, pancreas, stomach and skin. The colon is a reflection body, ie, has electrical connections to all parts of the body. When toxins are accumulated over a long period in the colon, we break the chain, which the body's functions begin to work slowly.

Symptoms if your colon is full of toxins

Dry tongue, bad breath, overweight, body odor, constipation, dark circles, cold hands and feet, weak nails and hair, cellulite, varicose veins, high blood pressure, fatigue, allergies, indigestion, chronic headaches, nervousness, nausea, depression, asthma, back pain, acne, menstrual cramps.

When cleaning the colon, return the normal functions of our organs to the body, detoxify your body short not to generate any kind of disease.

Colon hydrotherapy search:

  • Decrease the concentration of bacteria and toxins in the intestine fundamental part of our body clean.
  • Stimulate peristalsis.

Hydrotherapy is recommended for all who have:

  • Obesity and poor digestion.
  • Intestinal sluggishness, constipation.
  • Abundant gas, flatulence.
  • Edema, inflammation, colitis, diverticulitis.
  • Menstrual cramps.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Overload of the liver.

Clinical application of colon hydrotherapy:

  • You get the best colon preparation before a barium enema, thus facilitating a more accurate diagnostic study. A subsequent treatment of colon hydrotherapy, minimize patient discomfort caused by the residual barium operation. In addition, this method will eliminate the problem residual opaque material on subsequent intestinal series of x-rays for study. Further reduced the need for repeat studies, thus avoiding excessive patient exposure to radiation.
  • It is invaluable in preparing the patient for bowel surgery, providing a more optimal surgical field. Can even reduce the risk of postoperative complications due to the presence of bacteria in the suture line.
  • It is also advisable in the training program for paraplegics and quadriplegics intestines.

Detailed application of Colon Hydrotherapy


  • Solution is given through the rectum to cleanse the bowel and detoxification.

You should know and be patient:

  • Inform patient of procedure of the technique to perform.
  • Provide privacy.


Before performing any technique must be prepared material to be used, which in this case consists of:

  • Irrigation equipment.Has the following elements:
    • The flush, which is where the container is introduced enema.
    • A connecting tube, that part of the irrigator.
    • A key step, which is coupled to the connecting tube (there are teams that do not).
    • A rectal probe, which is connected to the other end of the connecting tube. The caliber of the tube varies with the individual's age: from French for adults 22-30 and 12-18 French for children.
  • A thermometer to check the temperature of the enema.
  • Water-soluble lubricant.
  • Gauze.
  • Disposable gloves.
  • Kocher forceps, if irrigation equipment not stop.
  • A wedge.
  • Toilet paper.
  • A protective rubber or a bed.
  • The material for the patient's toilet (towels, wash basin and soap).
  • An IV pole.
  • The enema.An enema composition can vary (eg, for cleaning an enema 1000 ml, introducing a 10% lactulose, 10% olive oil, 1 or 2 microenema canuletas of sodium citrate and complete water), but to prepare you should always take into account two factors:
    • The temperature, which must be between 38-40oC.
    • The volume, which varies by age of individual: 700-1000 ml for adults, 500-700 ml for adolescents, 300-500 ml for schoolchildren, 250-350 ml for preschoolers and 150-250 ml for babies.
    • When the enema to be administered is the commercially prepared, all you have to do is follow the manufacturer's instructions. Usually are packed in a plastic container which brings rectal cannula attached.


To administer a cleansing enema must follow the following steps:

  1. Wash hands and wear gloves.
  2. Connect the various parts of the irrigation equipment, taking care to close the stopcock.
  3. Explain to the patient the procedure and ask for your cooperation. Point out to evacuate the bladder, as this reduces the discomfort of the procedure.
  4. Help the patient placed in left lateral decubitus position, with right knee bent. This position, and allows observation of the anus, enables the enema flow by gravity along the natural curve of the rectum and sigmoid, thereby improving the retention of the solution.
  5. Discover the buttocks area.
  6. Put on the rubber bed or blank.
  7. Pour the solution into the flush and check the temperature.
  8. Hang the container at the foot of serum.
  9. Open the stopcock to purge the system, dropping the solution into the wedge. After purging the system, close the stopcock. Should not have stopcock, use Kocher clamp.
  10. Put lubricant on a cloth and thread it through the rectal tube, lubricating about 10 cm from the tip.
  11. Separate the upper buttock with your nondominant hand and watch the anal area.
  12. Instruct the patient to breathe deeply and exhale slowly, as this promotes relaxation of external anal sphincter.
  13. Taking advantage of the expirations (at this time abdominal pressure is less) enter the rectal probe tip, slowly turning and pointing toward the patient's navel (this address is the way anatomy of the large intestine). The amount of probe to enter varies by the individual's age: from 7.5-10 cm in the adult, 5-7.5 cm in the child and the baby 2.5-3-5 cm. If you run into any resistance do not force the probe input, allow solution to flow a little while the patient takes slow, deep breaths and then try to proceed with the insertion (a small amount of solution can be diluted fecal material that obstructs the passage probe).
  14. Open the stopcock or the regulating clamp and allow solution between slowly with the irrigator placed at the height of the patient's hip (rapid infusion can stimulate premature evacuation).
  15. Raise the irrigator slowly to place it about 30 cm above the anus. This height allows a slow continuous infusion (infusion rate depends on the height at which place handpiece: higher, faster).
  16. During the passage of the solution consider the following points:
    • If the patient complains of bloating or cramps, close the tap for 30 seconds or something down the container to slow the flow.
    • For any indication of vagal reaction (sweating, malaise, facial pallor, palpitations, etc..), Stop the infusion.
    • If at any time the liquid inlet is slowed, perform a slight rotation of the probe to loosen any fecal material which may be obstructing some of their holes.
  17. When you have passed all of the solution, close the stopcock or Kocher clamp (so no air enters the rectum).
  18. Remove the rectal probe gently.
  19. Ask the patient to try to retain the enema for 10 minutes. Help positioned supine, as this position favors retention. If the patient has difficulty retaining the solution, pressing both buttocks can help each other.
  20. Leave the room, remove gloves and wash hands.
  21. After adequate time or earlier if the patient requests, and evacuation can be performed (in the wedge or in the toilet). Wash hands, gloves enfúndese and help the patient.
  22. After the procedure, proceed to the toilet of the patient.

All hydrotherapy should be performed by a qualified physician and meet strict rules of hygiene and sterilization of instruments. Water quality is important (water filtered through activated charcoal) and the device used to maintain stable water temperature to switch a session of cold water, warm or hot.

After the application:

The benefits of colon hydrotherapy are: the evacuation of fecal matter and toxins held for time, stimulation of the defensive system, the normalization of intestinal permeability, help restore balance of intestinal flora and improves intestinal motility, among many other.

After irrigation feel a sense of calm and lightness, improved sleep, the functioning of liver and intestinal flora and detoxification of the body.

The Enema

Liquid enemas are introduced rectally in the terminal portion of the intestine. Can be used as evacuant (evacuation enemas or cleaning, which are the most frequent and in which we focus), to exert a local action or systemic (retention enemas) or diagnostic purposes (enemas radiopaque substance) . When the volume to be administered is small, are called microenemas.

Enemas are contraindicated in patients with anorectal disease (painful hemorrhoids, fissures, abscesses) or recent surgery in the area.


In short, this is a very useful technique to supplement any treatment in which we frame and Biological Medicine. Since preliminary facet of any treatment, especially in chronic conditions, is the detoxification of the body, it is very important to empty the colon to avoid on the one hand to continue absorbing toxins and other, begin to restore the intestinal flora.

"The abnormal functioning of the intestinal canal is the precursor of many health problems, especially chronic diseases. Restoration of physiologic intestinal elimination is often of paramount importance, preliminary to any possible restoration of health in general."