Leaves and soursop pulp

It is a plant that grows in tropical areas in Central America and South America, especially in the Amazon. It is also known as soursop, Guanábano, Catuche, Catoche, Anona Mexico, Graviola, Anona India, Mole. The fruit is very delicate dark green covered with soft spines. Is relatively large and very thin shell. Should be harvested before they mature. The flesh is white, creamy, meaty, juicy and slightly acidic, measuring 2-3 cm long, can weigh 2.5 kg.
All plant parts are used in natural medicine, including bark, leaves, roots and fruits, but the part that contains the greatest concentration of active ingredient is the leaf, where the Annonaceae acetogenins, which have been widely studied from the 1940 that came into use as an insecticide, leading to surprise scientists for its broad power, without causing any harmful effects in animals and man, so they agreed to fund research where, each day discovering new properties, which, as a result of scientific zeal and vested interests, remained in custody for over 20 years. Globalization and parallel studies in Japan and China, they found the light, the wonders of this generous plant.
Soursop leaf and bark (Powder), cure diabetes by regulating blood sugar, which shows its high effectiveness in endocrine commitments: liver, kidney, thyroid, pancreas, ovary, prostate, intestines, muscle relaxant smooth (heart), gall bladder, appendix and fights lung cancer or Lewis, breast cancer and brain tumors, hypotensive, anti-spasmodic, vasodilator, eliminates dust mites that cause asthma and bronchial diseases. The leaf tea cure liver problems, improves the function of the pancreas. It is effective to deworm children, malaria cure, indicated to raise the defenses in patients with chemotherapy and also for people with HIV (AIDS).
The fruit has been used as an antiparasitic, antipyretic (reduces fever) and astringent in diarrhea. The stems, leaves and roots are considered sedative, hypotensive (blood pressure lowering), antispasmodic and anti-diabetic. The leaves are used as a tea against catarrh (inflammation of mucous membranes). The ground seeds are used by Andean tribes against intestinal parasites.
In recent years, the extract of guava has become widely acclaimed for having highly potent properties to fight cancer. Since March 2003, e-mails circulating on the Internet stating that the soursop tea cures cancer.
Acetogenins of Annonaceae are waxy substances resulting from the combination of long chain fatty acids (C32 or C34) with a unit of 2-propanol at carbon 2 to form a lactone terminal (such lactone is at the beginning of the chain) .
The acetogenins derived from long chain fatty acids have direct action on mitochondria, ATP, Reticular Apparatus of Goldi and plasma membranes and cell selectively destroying cancer cells without harming healthy cells and tissues also contain Bullatacin, Beta-sitosterol , sitosterol, campesterol, myristic acid, stearic acid, stigmasterol, Amino Acids, Vitamins and Minerals that act on Enzymatic and Molecular.
It is the best alternative when you can not resort to surgery or therapy or Radium Cobalt therapy or when you have to stop chemotherapy for their action and atrogenica (side effects) on the liver and kidneys. There is no conflict and contrary complements very well with any treatment that this subject the patient to improve the quality. They have absolutely no side effects or intolerance or allergic reactions.
The soursop is the most powerful anti-cancer plant on the planet, used for over 40 years in the U.S., Europe and Asia.
Studies and findings
In 1976, Dr. Jerry McLaughlin at Purdue University discovered the ANONACEA GRAVIOLA acetogenins, powerful Anti-Cancer. Continued this research at the National Institute of Cancer proving its effectiveness in cancer colon and prostate. The National Health Center use to other cancers (gastric, kidney and breast). The Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University of Korea conducted comparative studies with adriamycin (chemotherapy) in the treatment of lung cancer.
Studies from 1998 to 2000 by McLaughlin and Chih HW, Chui HF have shown that acetogenins are inhibores of complex I of oxidative phosphorylation chain thereby block the formation of ATP energy needed by the cancer cell to operate your pump P-glycoprotein mediated, allowing you to stay active. The acetogenins also inhibit the ubiquinone-ubiquinone oxidase, NADH-dependent enzyme that is peculiar to the plasma membrane of the cancer cell. McLaughlin did his research and Bullatacinone Bullatacin acetogenins.
A study from Purdue University in California, showed that acetogenins can selectively inhibit the growth of cancer cells and also inhibit the growth of tumor cells resistant to adriamycin (chemotherapeutic drug). In another study conducted by scientists at the University, it was shown that acetogenins soursop (graviola) are extremely powerful having an ED 50 (lethal dose 50) of up to 10 to 9 micrograms per milliliter, resulting have 10,000 times the potency of adriamycin .
There are several studies on anonacina, the compound of the soursop that have anticancer effects. However, those studies were only performed in vitro or in vivo in animals, there being still no clinical studies in humans. One reason cited for the lack of human clinical studies is the fact that you can not patent a plant, leading to the laboratories that sponsor research studies to focus on active ingredients, Annonaceae acetogenins, instead of the plant .
Studies were made of soursop compared to the effect with adriamycin (known chemoteherapeutic). It was found that is 10000 times more potent, and kills cancer cells without harming healthy cells as occurs with chemotherapy, which also causes nausea, weight loss and hair, protects and elevates the immune system.
Perhaps one of the most important discoveries related to cancer is that of the parasites. All cancer patients are infected with parasites. Parasites (the same that give our dogs and cats) create both toxic inside the body, with their droppings and urine, the body simply does not fit any defense against cancer and succumbed to the attack of proteases making cancer cells.
Scientific studies have shown that guava contains a class of compounds known as bioactive acetogenins of Annonaceae, which have only been found in this plant and some other of that family, being its main source leaf. Research shows that the main effects are those mentioned above and also have properties, anticonvulsant, antimicrobial and anticancer.
Recommended Uses
- Antitumor
- Anticarcinogenic
- Antispasmodic
- Sedative
- Fight Asthma
- and combating hypertension.
- Combat Diabetes
- Corrects liver disorders
Chemical compositions of the Guanábana
Chemical composition and nutritional value of fruit (100 grams of fresh fruit of the edible part)
- Humidity 80.6%
- 1.63% fiber
- 0.73% ash
- 0.31% fat
- 1.22% protein
- 1.62% starch
- 0.021% Vitamin C
- Sugars (Gluc., FRUCT.) 15.63%
- 45.8 mg potassium
- 23mg Sodium
- 23.9 mg Magnesium
- Phosphorus 26.0 mg
- Iron 47mg
- Citrulline (protein) (10)
- Arginine (amino acid) (10)
- Caproic acid (lipid) (10)
- Anonaine (isoquinoline) (10)
- Anoniine (isoquinoline) (10)
- Asimilobine (isoquinoline) (10)
Chemical components of the leaf
- Annohexocina
- Annomuricina A, B, C and E
- Annomutacina
- Annopentocinas A, B and C
- Muricoreacina
- Gigantetronemina
- Murihexocina A and C
- Javoricina
- Anonaine
- Anoniine
- Atherospermine
- Coreximine
- Gentisic acid
- Lignoceric acid
- Stearic acid
Chemical components of the seed
- Lactones
- Annomonicina
- Annomontacina
- Annonacina
- Annomuricatina
- Annonacinona
- Javoricina
It also contains:
- Annomuricatina (protein)
- Linoleic acid (lipid)
- Bullatacin
- Bullatacinone
- Muricoreacin
- Murihexocin C
- Annomuricin A
- Annomuricin B
- Muricatocin A
- Muricatocin C
- Muricapentocin
Medicinal properties of soursop according to their origin
Anticarcinogenic: Leaves and shoots
Antibacterial: Bark
Antiparasitic: Seeds and bark
Ulcer: Bark
Galactogogue: Fruit
Antispasmodic: Leaves
Sedative: Leaves
Malaria: Leaves
Antidiabetic: Leaves
Vasodilator: Leaves
Pectoral: Flowers
Amebicide: Bark
Disinfectant: Bark and leaves
Insecticide: Leaves and root
Properties Guanábana
Its properties of action is antibacterial, anticancer, antiparasitic, antitumor, antispasmodic, stomachic, astringent, cytotoxic, febrifuge, hypotensive, insecticide, pesticide, sedative, vasodilator, vermifuge.
Antitumor effect by the active or inactive against cells of tumor origin (not having capacity of these cells die and go crowd forming stones or tumors) acts to decrease gradually until they disappear calcification, which takes time to go each of our systems, improving and purifying. In the case of kidney tumor or calcifications in the liver, pancreas, lungs, brain or kidneys the dose increases from 5 to 7 grams daily, and their intake should be longer than six months.
Antirheumatic, antiarthritic, has an immediate effect on joint pain and degeneration of these (Osteoarthritis). Especially for those who receive treatment.
Antidiabetic, by its powerful action in the blood helps to eliminate excess glucose. Works to normalize the juice and pancreatic enzymes. If you take insulin, should be consumed 1 or 2 seeds, peeled and crushed fruit (guava) fasting for seven days.
For ovarian colic, soursop tea (graviolas), let cool and strain before drinking, repeated after two hours.
Anti-inflammatory, endocrine and liver, because of his extensive power-inflammatory and / or released by the blood, is excellent for the endocrine system, normalizing hormone production in the different glands of our body, whether in the nervous system, immunological and player (ovaries and prostate) in the liver, kidneys, stomach, gastritis and ulcers fights.
Contains folic acid, which makes it excellent for women who wish to become pregnant (normal production of DNA), avoiding infections that complicate the development of the fetus.
Sedative, to recover the heart muscle after a heart attack and combat hypertension and cardiovascular problems. It has calming effect at night, getting a good nights sleep. No sleepy during the day.
Antidiarrheal, by its potent insecticide eliminates bacteria that cause diarrhea, is more effective than an antibiotic and works without damaging the intestinal flora, being 100% natural. Bark and leaf together have fungicidal properties, antifungal eliminates certain fungi that produce erythema (herpes, psoriasis).
Skin: Psoriasis, lupus (with Flax and Nettle Black), seborrhea, in regulating the endocrine system, also controls our glands fluids making them work if they are blocked and regulating them if they occur in excess, such as psoriasis.
Antiparasitic, insecticidal action by their powerful help to eliminate parasites, especially in children, dissolve one capsule before meals for 7 days.
Tract, for its soothing action facilitates good digestion, removing excess fat and triglycerides in opulent meal. To aid digestion, it is excellent when we are on chemotherapy.
Colds, soursop tea used for colds, inflammation of mucous membranes and is used to muna or mint tea.
Antihistaminic and antispasmodic in asthma, eliminates the mites that occur in lung cilia.
Sedative power is excellent for the nervous system to contain lithium in microscopic amounts sufficient to exert its sedative power in people irritable, nervous and anxious for its sedative power is anticonvulsant.
Obesity, by preventing the accumulation of body fat makes you lose weight gradually.
Diuretic, helps with the elimination of liquids, liquid acids (which form the colestero l) and helps remove excess uric acid and calcification of the nephrons (kidney cells)
Applications Against Cancer
The best way to consume the soursop or graviola is consuming it directly, forget once and for all the pills buy in health food stores, do not fall into those businesses, because the cure of disease and the real power is consumed directly in the healing element in this case is the fruit of the soursop, and preparing the leaves as you would any tea or water time.
If you want to eat the leaves of soursop, try to get the leaves in their natural state, avoid buying products such as tea's filter, etc.. And we repeat ... not acquire "natural products" in the commercial food stores, but not have noticed before, natural products are actually in the markets, there if you can find the elements that nature offers us in its natural state. But in health food stores often these products are altered, and the worst decline in its healing purpose to act in the patient slowly creating a cycle of consumerism and buying the product again, if you want to apply the true look natural medicine health food stores, rather look at the same result, then it is worth complaining about natural medicine when they fail their tasks. It's time to wake up and open their eyes to the real natural medicine.
If you've come to this article Soursop Cancer surely is find a good natural medicine against cancer, in this case I suggest you use the Natural Aloe Vera Recipe, being more effective in the treatment of cancer Soursop and be easier to get the items for their preparation. Also gives the patient Wheat Sprout Juice is a super food juice that will give strength to the body to fight the cancer and also helps cleanse the body as well as Aloe Vera. Take my advice and prepare the recipe of Aloe Vera juice and wheat germ which will help a lot in treating cancer.